CS 644

Advanced Topics in Networking

Fall 2004

Syllabus and Course Information


This course is a graduate level course on a selected set of topics in networking.  The goal is to provide in-depth knowledge on a number of advanced topics in networking.  Students will read 2 to 4 papers a week, attend lectures, participate in classroom discussion, and do a term project.  Topics for the term project are open, but the project must involve experimentation in the wireless environment.



Class Schedule:

         Mon and Wed, 2:30-4:00pm in Lecture Rm #4 in Bldg E3-1



         CS441/CS540 or equivalent


Instructor: Assistant Professor Sue Bok Moon

         Rm #4424

         Dept. of Computer Science

         sbmoon AT cs.kaist.ac.kr (Please indicate [cs644] in the email header for convenience.)


Office Hours:

         Tue and Thu, 10:00-11:30am in Rm 4424 in Bldg E3-1, or by appointment. Mark your slot on this calendar.


Teaching Assistants:

         Meeyoung Cha (mycha AT an kaist ac kr)


Class Web Site: http://an.kaist.ac.kr/courses/cs644

         Lecture notes and homework assignments will be posted here.

         Questions regarding the class should be emailed out to cs644 AT an kaist ac kr

         Emails to cs644 AT an kaist ac kr are archived here.




Supplementary Reading:

         For reading assignments, check the schedule.



Grading Policy:

In-class participation: 15%

Paper presentation: 15%
         Term project: 70%

         Idea 10%

         Steady progress 20%

         Presentation 20%

         Report: 20% (Due 12/25: Must be formatted in KISS/ACM/IEEE conference paper)